Sunday, February 2, 2014

Green Bay Wins The Super Bowl...... Not Really

Guess what America! Green Bay Packers just won The Super Bowl! Not really. It was actually the Seattle Seahawks. It sort of felt like a win when Vince Lombardi, previous head coach for the Packers, handed the Championship trophy to the Seahawks.

It was an okay game between the Seahawks and Broncos. Actually, it was an amazingly boring game between the two teams because it was a blowout with the score forty-three to eight. The game, from the beginning, was said that it would be played between the number one offence of the Broncos, and the number one defence of the Seahawks.

The game started out with a safety from the Broncos. This gave Seattle two points before the game even really started. It took forever until Peyton Manning actually got to play.

This connects to my humanities class because a lot of people think that sports games don't tell a story or portray a message, but they actually do. This game gave the lesson that for a team to be great, it must have a good offence and a great defence.

I myself think that the game was boring. During the first quarter, I already saw that the game was going to the Seahawks. A lot of people blames the Broncos' loss on Manning, but is he really the one to blame?

I believe that both teams played their hardest. It was just that the Seahawks have a tough defence. I feel that the game was played out like I thought it would. I really love that Seattle won the game because it made me thirty dollars in bets. It's a small intake, but I'll take it any day.

  How does the author support his claim? Use evidence from the selection to support your answer. The author is saying that the loss is on Peyton Manning. He uses evidence from the game and previous games that Manning choked in. They basically said that Manning couldn't handle big games. "[Manning] is 11-12 in the postseason, 1-2 in Super Bowls"

Picture is my own.
Associated Press. "Seattle Seahawks Beat Denver Broncos, 43-8, to Win Super Bowl XLVIII." Fox News. FOX News Network, 02 Feb. 2014. Web. 02 Feb. 2014.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that this was extremely boring! I left after the first quarter and didn't even care after the safety. This was a really good blog you did Caylin. I couldn't find any grammar errors or problems with your writing style. I love how you put your own opinion and what you thought. Great job and congrats on winning the money!
