As the lot of you may know, Google Glass is the new invention that will rock the market, but now it is only available to a certain number or people. Right now, Glass is out in the world. People, young and old, are using Glass, but some of them are “abusing” the power of the new glasses.
Google just released an article of the do’s and the don’ts of Glass. One of the don’ts said, “ Be creepy or rude (aka, a “Glasshole”)”(Google). It basically states that an Explorer, that’s what the Glass testers are called, should not be rude when they are confronted by others about Glass. Another thing that was stated was that Glass is basically a cell phone, so don’t get angry when you are asked to take them off.
I fully agree with the article. I know that some states have banned using Glass in the car. Glass is also banned at the movies. Both are for the best in opinion. Welch says that, “Clearly Google is mindful of the bans against its futuristic headset at some establishments”, and they should be. When making a new device, you don’t want the people “advertising” it to ruin the reputation of it before it even hits markets.
Honestly, I want Glass, but some of the restrictions on it makes most of the features useless. You can’t use the navigation feature in the car. You can’t use the camera in the hospital, if you had a baby or something. I think that people in high places are scared of technology. I see that as time goes on Glass may be accepted.
This connects to digital etiquette. One of the don’t said to not randomly record people. I see that as general and digital etiquette because you are using technology to be rude.
What is the purpose for using quotations?
Quotations are important to show that your evidence is factual. It actually is your evidence. When I put a quote that hasn’t been modified for libel, it makes the reader feel like they are hearing it out of the horses mouth. The author of this article uses a lot of quotes from Google. "’Standing alone in the corner of a room staring at people while recording them through Glass is not going to win you any friends,’ Google says.” is one of the many quotes that Welch uses in his article.
Google. "Explorers." Glass-explorers. Google, n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.
Tedeytan. Google Glass. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 8 May 2013. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.
Welch, Chris. "The Verge." The Verge. Vox Media, 18 Feb. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.